
B2C Trade Company

Reseller of Apple products and accessories

About Us

Who we are
We are engaged in the wholesale trade of Apple smartphones and accessories. We are a reseller of Apple products. We offer only current prices for the entire range of goods, timely assistance in processing large orders of 100 product units, and provide a guarantee for the goods.
Company goals
Creating a positive image. Due to high-quality products and efficient processing of orders from all EU countries, cooperation with us will make your business run more efficiently, providing high liquidity and profitability.

Customer geographic expansion. In the near future, we aim to expand our cooperation with customers from all countries of the European Union.

Our tasks

  • Building a reliable business from scratch. Collaborating with B2C Trade Company is beneficial not only for large businesses (online stores, warehouses), but also for budding entrepreneurs.
  • Support for affordable prices. We offer the lowest prices for the entire range of products. For regular wholesale customers with orders of 100 units or more, we have a discount system.
  • Work for the future. We are used to building long-term partnerships with our customers.
  • Help every customer. All customers with whom we cooperate receive full support from our company. We take care of all the necessary documentation for the transaction.
For partners
  • Contact us and get an agreement
  • Sign a trade agreement
  • Prepare a copy of the company statement and a copy of the signature
  • Send all documents to the company office
  • Successful partnership
  • Order
* Important: A trade agreement with a reseller may only be signed by an authorized person. All partners must be registered and operate in the EU.